Digestion occurs at the multicellular, cellular, and sub-cellular levels. Digestion means breaking down insoluble food into small soluble molecules which can be absorbed into the blood stream in the form of nutrients and energy. Indigestion or dyspepsia is another name for an upset stomach. Indigestion usually happens when people eat too much, too fast, or foods that don't "agree" with them.
The dietary supplement Ginger is being promoted to possess digestant and, carminative, antiulcer, gastric antisecretory properties, when taken internally.
The spice Ginger, which is obtained from the powdered dried root and rhizome of Zingiber officinale is a member of Zingiberaceae family, is native of India, China, Japan, Indonesia, Australia (Queensland), Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Jamaica and West Indies islands.
The therapeutic properties of Ginger are due to its various active components. The main constituents in ginger are phenolic compounds such as gingerols and shogaols, and sesquiterpenes such as zingiberene. Volatile oil (present in a concentration of 1-3%) accounts for the characteristic aroma and flavor of ginger. These and other compounds are extracts found in ginger oleoresin. The aromatic constituents include zingiberene and bisabolene, while the pungent constituents are known as gingerols and shogaols. Ginger rhizomes also contain a potent proteolytic enzyme called zingibain.
Ginger stimulates the production of gastric secretions decreases intestinal wall irritation by keeping the intestinal muscles toned. Extracts of ginger significantly inhibit serotonin - induced Diarrhoea through its anticarthartic activity (prevents evacuation of the bowels). Extracts of ginger have been effectively used in the treatment of Peptic ulcers. Ginger may also protect the stomach from alcohol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have damaging effects
The effect of ginger root (Zingiberis Rhizoma) on gastrointestinal motility was examined based on its ability to enhance charcoal meal transport in mice. Oral administrations of the acetone extract of ginger, ([6] - shogaol at 2.5 mg/kg, or a [6] -, [8] - or [10 - gingerol at 5 mg/kg enhanced the transport of a charcoal meal). [6] - gingerol and [10] - gingerol, which are the pungent principles, were found to have cholagogic effect. [6] - gingesulfonic acid in ginger extracts was effective in preventing ulcers. Orally administered dry and roasted ginger decoctions was found to be protective against stomach damage.
Digerich contains standardized extract of high quality ginger root with a guaranteed natural potency.