Cankure (Capsules) |
An ideal functional food supplement during cancer therapy
Curcumin, the natural orange yellow pigment in the spice turmeric is attributed for various miraculous medicinal applications of turmeric world over. Notably, S E Asia where turmeric is widely used as food ingredient and cosmetic has very low incidence of cancers especially colon and skin.
In various animal studies, Curcumin was found to inhibit progression of chemically induced cancers in colon, breast, prostate, and skin. Curcumin kills cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death). Curcumin inhibits new blood vessel formation that is vital for growth and spread of cancer, by interfering with various enzymes, receptors and growth factors. Curcumin inhibits P - glycoprotein and thus may reverse drug resistance of chemotherapy in cancers.
The US National Institute of Health has four clinical trials registered that are recruiting patients to test Curcumin for Pancreatic cancer, Multiple myeloma, Alzheimer’s and Colorectal cancer.
Lactobacillus, another ingredient in CANKURE belongs to Probiotics. The possible health benefits of Probiotics are:
- Prevention of cancer and tumor growth
- Improving intestinal tract health
- Enhancement of the immune system
- Enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients
In a study, Lactic acid bacteria (a type of probiotic bacteria) inhibited colon cancer in humans, probably through various mechanisms like alteration of metabolic activity of intestinal micro flora, alternation of physiochemical conditions in the colon, enhancing the host’s immune response etc. |

Ingredients |
Each Hard Gelatine Capsule Contains:
Curcumin (extracted from Curcuma longa) 350 mg
Lactobacillus acidophilus 100 mg |
Indication |
As functional food supplement in cancer. |
Dosage |
Two capsules twice daily preferably after food |
Safety |
In a reference Curcumin demonstrated no toxicity up to 8,000 mg/day in humans when taken by mouth for 3 months (in of patients etc), in another reference Curcumin has showed no toxicity when administered at doses of 1-8 g/day and 10 g/day in humans. |
Caution |
Please consult your physician before usage of Cankure, if you are suffering from active peptic ulcer, G I bleeding and bile duct obstruction. |
Packing |
60 Capsules in one HDPE Container. |
*Disclaimer |
These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease |
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